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Weber 1853 Computer Sleeve

Keep your laptop safe from liquids, heat, and physical damage without having to lug around a heavy laptop case with the Weber 1853 Computer Sleeve.
Item Code: MU-66-1853Lx
Avg. Rating

List $24.99
Sale-Price: $19.99
You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Select Options Below

 Medium Size #66-1853LM
 Large Size #66-1853LL

 Weber 1853 Vertical Artist Messenger Bag #66-1853MB(+$39.99)

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Product Description:
When you're on the go and have to bring your laptop with your for work, school, or personal reasons, it's important that you keep it safe at all times. Laptops aren't as durable as a desktop computer and can easily be damaged if they're put down too hard, left in the heat, or shaken around. They need extra protection, a cushion that will protect it while you're out and about.

Luckily, The Weber 1853 Computer Sleeve quilting gives your computer extra padding protection that will keep your computer safe and snug. This extra padding will keep your laptop safe from liquid spills, small falls, and scratches from objects.

This sleek looking sleeve has double stitching on the edges and can easily be inserted into the Weber 1853 Artist Messenger Bag, sold separately. This sleeve is water resistant so you don't have to worry if you're caught running home in the rain with your laptop.

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