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W & N WINTON Oil 1.25fl.oz. #28 MAGENTA

Winsor and Newton are and old and trusted name in the painting world, and an artist can never go wrong when choosing a Winsor and Newton paint. Winsor and Newton Magenta is vibrant, violet-red.
Item Code: 28
Avg. Rating

List $5.85
Sale-Price: $2.99
You Save: $2.86 (49%)

Product Description:

Magenta is an anline dye, patented in 1859 and named after the Italian city of Magenta. It is based on the color of the Fuchsia plant, and its popularity in European and American culture at the time coincided with the craze for the color Mauve. Interestingly, Sir Isaac Newton discovered that Magenta doesn't technically exist as a color in the visible spectrum. Rather, humans simply perceive it as an absence of green and a mix of red and violet. Magenta has often represented balance or intuition in history, and the artist Matisse was famous for using Magenta in order to surprise people who viewed his works and evoke and series of emotional responses from them.

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