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Tweak your technique and play with ten pure pigments, as you receive friendly tips from a world-renowned watercolor expert.
Item Code: WA-S8900
Avg. Rating

List $79.99
Sale-Price: $69.99
You Save: $10.00 (13%)

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Product Description:
Turn your budding interest into a lifelong passion with this beginner's kit of watercolor essentials. Thanks to Susan Scheewe's helpful DVD instructions, it doesn't matter if you've never touched a brush before. Skip the cost of private art lessons and avoid the overwhelming options at the art store, and follow along as Susan introduces you to all the tools and tricks you'll need.

Choose from 10 tubes of Scheewe watercolors to mix on your own personal palette, paint with three watercolor brushes, and experiment with a spray bottle, wax stick and sea silk sponge. This all-in-one set combines everything a beginner could possibly need to get started, even an instructional book to complement the DVD and two convenient watercolor patterns to follow.

With Susan's expertise and dozens of top-tier supplies, you'll complete your first two watercolor projects and have paints left over to play. There's even extra paper to bring your next visions to life; each set contains two cards and envelopes, two 7"x10" watercolor sheets, and a graphite sheet.
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