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Water Colors

Art, specificaly painting, is as old as the human history. In fact, people started painting using very crude tools and on unrefined surfaces. Interestingly, people have preferred watercolor paints over other mediums and for the obvious reasons, i.e. inexpensive and readily available.

Discover the artist in you with affordable Watercolor Paint Sets from Madison Art Shop.

Today, most artists use inexpensive Watercolor Sets to produce masterpieces. In fact, the availability of these inexpensive painting sets from both conventional and online art stores has literally liberalized the painting industry and professionals are discovered daily.

Components of a Watercolor Paint Set
  • Watercolor paints
  • Watercolor Mediums and accessories
  • Watercolor Papers and Surfaces
  • Watercolor Brushes
  • Watercolor Station
  • Watercolor Easel
  • Watercolor Taborets and
  • Watercolor Painting Video Tutorials

Why buy a Watercolor Painting Set?

  • It is inexpensive
  • Uses water which is readily available in most homes

Have video tutorials to guide you during the painting

Watercolor - The Violin of Art!
A challenging and delightful medium - and that's an understatement! SHOP NOW!

Watercolor Paint Sets

Create a masterpiece with premium watercolor paints and accessories from Madison Art Shop. Whether you’re a seasoned artist in need of a replacement watercolor paint set or a beginner experimenting with the medium for the first time, we have watercolor sets complete with paint, brushes, etc., individual tubes, instructional books, a plethora of watercolor accessories and much, much more. As a family owned business, Madison Art Shop is committed to offering you a unique and personalized shopping experience. We strive to offer you the best products, made by industry leading manufacturers and preferred by artists, for the lowest possible prices.

Watercolor Painting: Getting Started

Watercolor paints can be challenging to master, which is an intimidating fact for beginners. However, with practice, the mere act of painting with watercolors can transform you into a performance artist. The quick drying nature of watercolor and its transparency allows for a small margin of error and requires quite a bit of trust. To create a watercolor masterpiece, you must be willing to take risks. Although risks resulting in unsalvageable errors may feel tedious, accidents from them often create the best images. Remember, unlike other mediums you’re working from light to dark; it’s an acquired skill. To paint with watercolors, you need patience, a high quality watercolor paint set and a few other specific accessories. If you’re just starting out, you might want to consider browsing watercolor sets to find one that includes all the starting tools you need.

Since watercolors are so light and transparent, the quality, color and texture of the paper you use when painting will dramatically affect the outcome. You can choose from hot pressed, cold pressed and rough. Cold pressed paper is the most popular paper for watercolor among artists due to its versatility. Hot pressed paper is the smoothest surface, and rough paper is, well, the roughest. It might be best to start with cold pressed.

When purchasing your watercolor paints, the paints designated as “artist quality” are generally the best quality with the most vibrant pigment. Most artists will recommend using only this quality, but a non-artist grade watercolor paint set is an affordable alternative. When deciding among watercolor sets, you can choose tubes or pans. For pans, you add water to the dry cake, but you must be careful to clean your brushes completely between applications to avoid mixing colors in the pan itself. Watercolor tubes are more workable, but it’s easy to squeeze out too much paint.

When beginning, you do not need a wide array of brushes, and it does not matter whether the brush is natural or synthetic (when in doubt, purchase brushes blending the two). Simply collect a round brush, flat wash brush, oval brush and liner brush. Once you improve your technique, you’ll be able to play a bit more with your materials.

Water Color Supplies:
Watercolor Paints, Paper, Brushes,Mediums, Stations & Easels, Videos & Accessories

Water colors were probably the first "paints" in pre-history. They are also the first paint most of us are introducted to us as children. But it requires skill and practice to control this challenging medium, with its transparent overlays of color and small margin for error. The watercolorist is almost a performance artist, because the medium requires trust and leaps of faith; each action builds on the next and sometimes the best images are "accidents."

Water color paints, Holbein, Quiller,Watercolor Paints, Watercolor Paper, Watercolor Brushes, Watercolor Mediums, Watercolor Stations, Watercolor Easels, Watercolor Videos, Watercolor Accessories