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Marge Piercy Video (DVD)

For those who know her - and for those who do not - Marge Piercy is a Utopian at heart. She has been described as having a perception of "human possibility" that makes the current state of the world simply unacceptable in comparison. Even for those who are not a fan of her world views, Ms. Piercy's words in this DVD contain thought-provoking sentiments and are wonderful conversation starters.
Item Code: FI-9303
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Product Description:
This DVD showcases the beloved Marge Piercy and Bill Moyers as they discuss her views on the politics and religious influence that have fueled much of her writing and creativity. This program also features readings by Ms. Piercy from "The Hunger Moon," "The Book of Ruth and Naomi," "Kaddish," "To Be Of Use," "Coming Up On September" and more. Any Piercy fan will delight in her readings of her own work as she answers big questions, makes the viewer laugh and then, just as quickly, leaves them lost in thought about the broad themes of her work. Even for those who are not acquainted with the brilliance of Marge Piercy, this documentary will evoke feelings, thought and possibly even an adjustment in world view.

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  • Length: 28 minutes
  • ISBN: 978-1-4213-9513-5
  • Closed Captioned

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