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Art History/Education Videos/DVDs

Hand-Selected world-class educational videos in VHS, DVD & CD-Roms. In English & French.
Educational Videos We have a wonderful selection of hundreds of programs for you, that explore key areas of Art and Art History, including Surrealism, Romanticism, Photography, Greek & Roman Masterpieces and more!
� Art and Design
� Art History
� K-8 Art
� Photography & The Arts
� Artistic Themes Through the Ages
Limited-time Special Sale-prices! Order Now!

Other Art Video/DVD Categories:
  • Art Instructional Videos & Books
  • Music & Dance Educational Videos
  • Documentaries & Other Educational Programs on Film (DVD)

    Limited-time Special Sale-prices! Order Now!
    These programs generally ship via ground. Expedited shipping is not guaranteed on these.

    Over the course of history Art has inspired countless people across the world.
    Every picture tells a story... A full length video tells even more.

    Art History / Education - Videos/DVDS
    Public Performance Rights
    The prices for all programs listed on this website include full protection for public performances. A public performance is a non-theatrical performance of a program, without charge. The purchase price of our program includes public performance rights for classrooms etc... as stated above. The customer is not required to have this in writing to this effect.

    An Art Video Adventure
    Are there art history videos?
    If you are becoming bored with your paintings, why not watch an art video? Art history videos and teaching videos are a great way to get those sparks of creativity flowing again. Sometimes taking a break away from the easel and seeing how another artist works is all it takes to renew your own interest.