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When you're looking for that perfect green oil to tie your painting together, check out W&N Winton Oil  #48 Permanent Green Light (1.25fl. oz.)
Item Code: CA-1414483
Avg. Rating

List $5.85
Sale-Price: $2.99
You Save: $2.86 (49%)

Product Description:

W&N has been creating top-notch products for superb artists for many years. One in particular is their collection of oil paints. These oils are manufactured using high-quality pigments and binders. They offer a rich consistency that maintains its composure, even when mixed with other mediums. The collection has a wide variety of colors to choose from, each bringing its own bit of flavor to your artwork. W&N WINTON OIL #48 PERMANENT GREEN LIGHT (1.25fl.oz.) is a mild to harsh green pigment in the mid color range that compliments a yellow undertone extremely well. It would look great in an outdoor scene painting like grass or the forest.

With the W&N color range being so wide, this product makes for a terrific option for first time artist or professional artists who work with their hands and oils. They can be used on a canvas or even during a craft project. The 1.25 fluid ounce tube is easily portable, making it a great present for any artist.

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