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Vellum is a parchment that was once made of calfskin. Its modern equivalent is made up of cotton and wood pulp. It is generally used for technical drawings, such as architectural or engineering designs, but its universal appeal has many artists using Vellum for their unique projects.

Reasons to use Alvin CLEARPRINT Vellum:
  • Durability can be used for printing invitations.
  • Archival quality is intended for saving important documents.
  • Pencil can easily be erased with no "ghosting".
  • Available in 10 and 100 pack sheets as well as 5, 20, 50-yard rolls.
Interesting techniques that artists and creative individuals can utilize their talents using Vellum:
  • Paint several sheets of Vellum with artwork. Put the sheets together for an exceptional layered look.
  • Paint on the back and front sides of Vellum to produce a special effect that can be seen because of the translucent quality of the paper.
  • Using acrylic paint on Vellum can cause a stained-glass effect when lit with a backlight.

Vellum CLEARPRINT Vellum is a versatile platform for creative designs.