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Adjustable Angle PEB Board 23x31

Adjustable Angle PEB Board 23x31
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It very important in a straightedge board that it will not warp and is adjustable.
Item Code: MU-U-PEB2331K
Avg. Rating

List $189.99
Sale-Price: $109.99
You Save: $80.00 (42%)

Product Description:

The Martin Prodraft Parallel Straightedge Kit is the perfect size for drafting or artwork, with the dimensions of 23 inches by 31 inches. The stand is one of the best because it has six adjustable positions. Large knobs on each side of the board make it easy to keep a straight-edge and stay in alignment with the artwork or drafting in parallel. One of its nicest features are the deep ribbed strips. These strips allow the board to be adjusted to extend over the edge of the table and position the artwork or drafting over the lap of the user. The construction of this board is strong and stable because the body is made from anti-wrap aluminum.

Never worry again about having straight lines in your drawings because the Martin Prodraft Parallel Straightedge Kit will always keep you right on track.

(Oversize Shipping: $26.20)

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