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Adjustable Angle PEB (Parallel Edge Board) Board 24x36

The lightweight, fully adjustable, Martin Prodraft Parallel Straightedge Kit is an ideal sketching and drawing board for students and artists.
Item Code: MU-U-PEB-2436K
Avg. Rating

List $246.99
Sale-Price: $129.99
You Save: $117.00 (47%)

Product Description:

Adjustable Angle PEB (Parallel Edge Board) Board 24x36 Make drawing easier and more accurate with the convenient Martin Prodraft Parallel Straightedge Kit. This innovative drawing board features an anti-warp aluminum body that lends it strength and stability. The drawing board can be used in a flat position or set to a desired angle using hinged folding legs. A six-position stand allows the board to be set at multiple convenient angles on the tabletop. Large knobs on either side of the drawing board allow the parallel straight edge ruler to be moved to and set at any point on the drawing board so as to hold the paper properly aligned and firmly in place. The generously sized 24”x36” drawing board is ideal for artists and students who need a large surface for drawing and sketching purposes. Drawing board comes equipped with a convenient handle for easy carrying.

(Oversize Shipping: $31.20)

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5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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August 14, 2013

Online support pre-ordering was excellent. Shipment reached 3rd day from ordering. Very reliable. Happy with overall experience.

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