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Shain Shop Bilt

In your classroom or art studio, you need furniture that is sturdy and ready to store the many items you need to keep on hand. With the many durable pieces available from Shain Shop-Bilt, you can have all of the storage and workspaces you need in the room and know they'll last. Use the work cabinets to hold many types of supplies and equipment. Pair a cabinet with a Shain storage cabinet to provide an enormous amount of specialized storage space. Use a Shain instructor's desk to teach from and a Shain planning desk or bench to provide plenty of workspace and storage. Elementary furniture such as desks and benches are perfect for multiple people to use at once or for just one to use. Use the assorted chairs, tables, workstations and benches to provide the workspace needed for your class.

Shain Shop-Bilt makes sturdy furniture for art classes and studios.