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Print Racks

Art Drying Racks & Print Racks

Whether drying, displaying or organizing your artwork, Madison Art Shop has a plethora of premium print racks, art racks and art drying racks to suit your need. Made of the finest materials like steel, aluminum, canvas, oak, birch and more, our art racks will last for years and look phenomenal in your home and studio space.
We only carry print racks from the finest manufacturers in the industry, like BEST, Richeson and SMI, so you can buy comfortably knowing that your art drying racks were carefully hand-selected for artists by artists. And the best part? At Madison Art Shop, we are committed to delivering you outstanding products for affordable prices, so many of our art racks are available for 30%, 40%, 50% or even more off the retail prices! Shop now to find the best print racks and art drying racks to suit your needs and budget.

Madison Art Shop has a huge selection of art racks for a variety of different uses. The following are some of the options we offer and what they are used for:

Print Racks – Print racks are excellent for storage or display in your home, studio or art show. Available in a variety of materials, it is easy to find a print rack to suit your purpose. Artists who plan to travel with their print rack will likely prefer a lightweight, foldaway aluminum model (ideal for those who work in plein air, or for those staging an art show), whereas if you plan to use your rack as a permanent fixture, a wooden or steel rack is probably a better selection.

Bi-folios – If you have unframed artwork, a bi-folio is an optimal solution for stores or exhibitions where display space is limited or unavailable.

Flat Files – Although their usage varies depending on the artist, flat files make excellent art drying racks or storage units. Either place wet canvas flat in the drawers or store completed works. An excellent way to organize any studio space.

Richeson Wood Print Racks
Portable, knock down storage when you need it the most!
• Great for conferences
• Great for exhibits at malls or art shows
• Great for when you have to transport and set up a show by yourself!