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Painter Aprons

The Jullian Paris Artist's Apron is made of washable, cotton canvas. This heavy-duty apron has two convenient front pockets, perfect for storing small art supplies and cell phones or electronic devices. The apron's length measures at 100 centimeters, offering full-protection from the artistic elements, and the adjustable belt makes for an added level of comfort for artists of all shapes and sizes. This stylish but functional apron is the perfect gift for painters, gardeners, potters, and cooks. Better yet, buy it for yourself and start creating! With the trusted Jullian name and logo, you know you're in for a quality product, so don't hesitate, buy one today!

Artists shouldn't be afraid to get dirty, but that doesn't mean they should have to. The Jullian Paris Artists' Apron will keep your personal wardrobe from becoming abstract art, and at such a reasonable price, you won't go broke buying it.