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These markers aren't like the ones that proudly proclaimed they were "non-toxic" when you were a kid, as if the fact that they weren't poisonous was their main selling point. These markers provide a wide array of color and line weight options that will give you a surprising level of color depth and control.

Markers can be used to create big, bold blocks of color, and crisp, dark lines or blended and bled in a way similar to watercolors. Don't think of these tools as wet crayons. Think of them as paint brushes you don't have to reload.

Markers also work beautifully along with other mediums. They can be added to laser jet printouts without smudging the toner. They can add bold touches of color to sketches and line art or blend in with inks or water colors. They are a tool that is ripe for both simple, straightforward uses and experimentation, so have at!

Use these art markers to create versatile compositions that easily blend subtle touches and bold lines.