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Manikins, Skeletons, Geometric Solids and Poser

This collection of artist manikins provides the new or experienced artist with posable models for drawing realistic motion and movement. Made from natural hardwood, these manikins feature accurate proportions and can be posed to represent natural movement, allowing the artist to render realistic movement in drawings or paintings.

Realistic models for drawing human, animal or geometric shapes with precision.

Wooden 3-D objects, such as cubes and tiles, provide a model for creating a host of everyday objects and allow the artist to refine proportions and perspectives, while the silk flowers and trees provide the props needed for creating life-like still lifes.

The Smith Micro Poser graphic and animation software allows artists to create their own 3-D art models on either the MAC or PC. Manipulating the model allows the artist to view it from multiple perspectives for sketching or drawing the human form.

This assortment of artists tools is sure to please both aspiring and experienced artists.