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LQ HV 4.65 oz. / Light Green Permanent

Need rich and intense color for your painting?
Item Code: LQ1047-312
Avg. Rating

List $13.58
Sale-Price: $8.15
You Save: $5.43 (40%)

Product Description:

Welcome to the world of light green!  This is a color that speaks volumes in a painting.  Light green represents many different things.  With green being a secondary color, there are many different blue and yellow hues that make up this extraordinary light green permanent color.  The combination of these primary colors creates and outstanding light green that brightens any painting.  Light green is commonly associated with spring, nature, and stability.  Unlike the color red which is warm color, light green belongs to a cool color family.  If you plan on painting a nature scene, you can't do it without this permanent green color.  Its creamy, thick and rich texture will bring any painting to life.  Help your artwork pop with this shade of green.  This LQ light green permanent color mixes with others well, but can stand alone if you need it to.

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