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LQ HV 4.65 oz. / Alizarin Crimson Hue, Permanent

Thick and rich acrylic permanent paint in a brilliant purplish-red crimson hue, for when only the highest-quality professional-level paint will do.
Item Code: LQ1047-116
Avg. Rating

List $17.75
Sale-Price: $10.65
You Save: $7.10 (40%)

Product Description:

Liquitex paints are famous for their high quality. This professional-level acrylic paint is part of the Liquitex Heavy Body line, formerly called High Viscosity. The paint is known for its thick and rich consistency, its stain finish, and its high degree of pigmentation. Alizarin Crimson Hue is a deep purplish red, one of 100 vibrant colors in the Heavy Body line.

The thick texture of the Heavy Body Alizarin Crimson Hue makes it useable on many different surfaces and for many different techniques, from traditional painting on canvas, to block printing, to impasto, to almost anything your imagination can come up with. You can work with brushes, with knives, or with tools of you own devising.

You will be delighted by the brilliance of the color and the smoothness of the texture of the Alizarin Crimson Heavy Body paint as well as the freedom it gives you to experiment. 

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