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Liquitex hv acrylic (2 oz.) #391 PRISM VIOLET

Whether you want to create the perfect fantasy land or the illusion of a purple color, prism violet is the perfect color for either.
Item Code: LQ1047-391
Avg. Rating

List $9.95
Sale-Price: $5.97
You Save: $3.98 (40%)

Product Description:

Our Prism Violet Liquitex arcrylic paint is part of the collection recently released by Liquitex in celebration of the company’s anniversary and is currently on sale. The prism violet acrylic is especially ideal for young or beginning painters learning about color blending and color schemes as it has excellent blending characteristics. It provides good coverage and dries with a perfect, smooth and silky finish.  It is a very opaque color and does not provide any room for transparency whatsoever unless it is seriously diluted. It is perfect for use on any absorbent surface from fabric to wood.  It is perfect for anything from a semi-dark background to touch-up on the details.

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