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Liquitex hv acrylic (2 oz.) #300 DEEP MAGENTA

A quality acrylic paint with a creamy, smooth consistency, created for ease in handling with a concentrated pigment load; formulated for a durable, long-lasting finish that resists drying or cracking.
Item Code: LQ1047-300
Avg. Rating

List $11.75
Sale-Price: $7.05
You Save: $4.70 (40%)

Product Description:

Liquitex hv acrylic (2 oz.) #300 Deep Magenta offers a number of excellent qualities:

  • Opaque and lightfast
  • Highly pigmented, intense color
  • Smooth texture that levels evenly
  • Perfect viscosity with low odor
  • Satin finish with excellent clarity
  • Non-yellowing, UV and water resistant
  • Conforms with ASTM D4236

A rich violet-red, #300 Deep Magenta produces a smooth, pre-filtered consistency that covers and levels out evenly for a durable result which offers a variety of creative applications. For reliable permanence, with a deep pigment somewhere between red and blue, Deep Magenta goes on smooth, making it the artist’s choice for intense color and good coverage. It features an ease of application that is perfect for the professional artist, amateur dabbler, or for use in student projects.

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