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RICHESON 46" Heavy-Duty Stretcher Bar #890028

Item Code: JR890028
Avg. Rating

List $19.80
Sale-Price: $16.79
You Save: $3.01 (15%)

Product Description:
A 46” heavy duty BEST stretcher bar made of finger spliced pine. The finger splicing method improves the strength of the wood. These stretcher bars are free from splinters and have a rounded back which allows the canvas to be stretched more tightly. This creates a snugly fit and even painting surface which is easier to work on. A great choice for most canvases, and can be used for a wide range of different canvas weights. Perfect for those who want museum quality stretcher bars without having to spend tons of money. Perfect for any artist including amateurs, professionals, students, instructors and more. Will protect the canvas from ghost lines and is designed to be durable.
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