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Gerstner Tool Boxes

Please note: We have have found this manufacturer, Gerstner & Sons, to be dishonest with many complaints on their items. We are no longer selling Gerstner products.

Gerstner Tool Boxes & Chests. A legend for over 100 years. A Gerstner tool chest will remain a family heirloom for generations!
An Ongoing Tradition of Excellence...
Since 1906

Gerstner Tool Chests offer the convenience and security every dedicated machinist needs. Each tool and supply chest provides a variety of compartments that make it easy for handy people to stay organized.

A Gerstner is built to last!

  • Exterior fashioned with oak, walnut or cherry wood
  • Handles, fasteners, or locks made from Chrome-plated material
  • Rolling cover slides underneath drawers in unlocked position
  • Siding cover conceals the drawers in locked position
  • Durable construction that will not easily wear out with use
  • Different combinations of drawers with each model
  • Easy coordination with other portable wooden storage cases

    Choose the chest that offers the amount of drawers and layout you need.

  • These items are not really art supplies. They are mainly machinists tool chests from the legendary H. Gerstner & Sons Company. However, besides for machinists, artists also purchase this to store brushes and art supplies.

    Best Selling Gerstner Products:
    GERSTNER INTERNATIONAL GI-R532 Red Oak Roller Cabinet
    GERSTNER INTERNATIONAL Machinist Oak Tool Chest GI-533
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