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Studio Designs Flat File Stand (Light Grey)

A Stand with storage space to fit under the Studio Designs RTA-60724 Flat Files.
Item Code: RTA-60735
Avg. Rating

List $249.99
Sale-Price: $159.99
You Save: $90.00 (36%)

Product Description:

The Studio RTA Flat File Stand (Light Grey) is a great way to protect large painting and drawings from being crumpled, stained or damaged due to being rolled or folded into other storage. This container has the broad space for large, flat works that need to be protected and kept in original shape versus being compacted. The lower shelf for storage measures a broad 39" wide by 14 1/2" deep. Additionally, the framing of the file stand is steel, providing a solid protection that may not be possible with cheaper plastic cabinets and closets. Finally, each of the legs have floor levelers to even out the position and adapt to floor uneveness which can occur with different locations.

Customers should note that due to the larger size of the RTA Flat File Stand, an oversize shipping cost will be included in the charge

Are your art, drawings, designs, and paintings suffering storage damage on a regular basis? It's likely because of where they are being stored. The Studio RTA Flat File Stand solves the problems with a metal file stand design that provides durable protection.

(Oversize shipping: $39.95).
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