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WALKER Fiberglass Rod

WALKER Fiberglass Rod
Hang art with ease using Walker fiberglass rods.
Item Code: WALKER-56X-X
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Sale-Price: $5.99
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Product Description:

Walker Display systems are known for presenting art in a clean, professional method that blends into any surrounding. Many art curators choose a fiberglass system because of two simple reasons. The first reason is that these fiberglass components can withstand many weight requirements. Having to have separate systems for heavier and lighter pieces can be troublesome. The second reason fiberglass is a popular choice is because of the component's ability to match a wall color. When presenting art, the components used to hang the art should be as close to invisible as possible. The blending of art into surroundings allows a piece to speak for itself without having extra verbiage from a nearby hook or wire.

Please note that this part is for the fiberglass rods only. Other components may need to be selected to match the exact art display needs.

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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St. Charles, IL
March 10, 2013

We use the Walker Picture system Fiberglass Rods, Hi-Hooks, Hi-Holders and Ogee Rod Sleeves on wooden molding we get from a local hardware store. We have rotating art exhibits in our facility and have yet to have a piece we could not hang with this versatile system. Durable too!

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