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Drafting Chairs

There are many types of drafting chairs available in the market currently. Choosing the right type is what may come as a surprise to most people. To avoid such a scenario, visit the masters for the ultimate sitting experience. Make it a point to visit the professionals.

The traditional office chair passes for the most common of all drafting chairs. However, the height is the most distinctive of this type of chair. It is not that tall and this may not require it to have a foot rest. Otherwise current designs are a little higher, thus must have a foot rest.

Some do not require arm rests. Unlike the traditional one, you can sit at any level and table height. This must be done with several considerations and as is known, the ergonomic chair is designed for those that care about their backs.

Drafting Chairs & Drafting Stools
Here is a great piece of advice we were once given: "Put your money in the chair, not the table!"

Drafting Chairs & Drafting Stools
Here is a great piece of advice we were once given: "Put your money in the chair, not the table!"

Drafting Chairs