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Derwent Watercolour Collection 36 Tin

Derwent Watercolour Collection 36 Tin
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The Derwent Watercolour Collection 36 Tin lets the artist instantly transform a color pencil drawing into a watercolor painting. All it takes is a paintbrush full of water. This collection of professional quality materials also includes Aquatone Color Sticks to impart additional vibrant effects. All packed in an attractive tin

Item Code: 0700305
Avg. Rating

List $76.99
Sale-Price: $44.00
You Save: $32.99 (43%)

Product Description:

Using Derwent WaterCoulor pencils gives an artist the best of both worlds. The soft pigment Derwent uses in its pencils allows the color to be transferred to the paper in fast smooth strokes, giving the precision and control of a pencil. Yet with the application of a bit of water, or when applied to wet paper, the image can take on the delicate fluidity of a watercolor painting or the haunting effects of vibrant colors fading to soft edges.

But that's not all an artist gets when she purchases the Derwent Watercolour Collection 36 Tin. The collection also includes aquatone sticks, a paintbrush, sea sponge, an eraser, and a sharpener. Watercolor crayons of dissolvable solid color,  the aquatone sticks flow onto the paper with the ease of crayons, but burst into vibrant tones or dissolve into soft washes when brushed with water.

Packed in an attractive tin, the professional quality collection includes

  • 1 Sketching Pencil
  • 19 watercolor pencils: Orange Chrome, Middle Chrome, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Juniper Green, Jade Green, Imperial Purple, Raw Umber, Naples Yellow, Primrose Yellow, Geranium Lake, Pink Madder Lake, Ochre, Burnt Carmine,Dark Viole,t Chinese white, Ivory, Black, and Gunmetal Gray,  
  • 12 aquatone sticks: May Green, Emerald Green, Cedar Green, Kingfisher Blue, Indigo, Light Blue, Deep  Vermilion, Zinc Yellow, Magenta, Venetian, and Raw Sienna
  • 1 watercolor brush
  • 1 natural sea sponge
  • 1 metal sharpener
  • 1 plastic eraser

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Watercolor Pencils
What are watercolor pencils?
Have you ever heard of watercolor pencils? You can purchase watercolor pencils in a wide variety of colors. Watercolor pencils blend very easily. You can add water to them or work with them dry. Either way, these pencils have a rich true color that is free of irregularities.