Madison Art Shop
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Contact Us

Our passion for art extends to our customer service. We pride ourselves in the personal service that we deliver in making sure that every customer's needs are met with each visit to our superstore. We appreciate your business and we are here to help. If you have a question about a particular product or purchase information our Madison Art Supply professional team is ready to assist you.

Our contact information

By Email:

By Standard mail:
Madison Art Shop, LLC
17 Engleberg Ter
Lakewood, NJ 08701

By Fax:

Online ordering is Available 24 hours a day. Most order will ship Same-day or Next-day.

Madison Art Shop, Art Supply & Easel Superstore provides an eclectic assortment of art supplies for individual artists and art retailers. Our merchandise is handpicked for artists, by artists, so you can feel comfortable choosing each and every one of our products.