Art Easels
You need an easel, whether for painting, displaying your work, or drawing. But what fits one person doesn't fit another. We have a variety of easels for every artist and budget. Whether you're a watercolor artist who needs an easel to tilt all the way horizontal to prevent run-off, to acrylic and oil painter, who needs a nice tilt to their canvas, to the chalk pastelist who wants their easel to tilt their canvas forward so the dust drops off, we've got you covered. We have Lyre frames, H-frames, and other popular easels. Don't settle for something that doesn't work for you; get the right easel.
For the budding artist, we have easels and tables for children as well. Colorful, functional easels sized just right for smaller artists who have big aspirations. For the adults, we have easels made by Spectrum, BEST, MABEF, TESTRITE, Richeson, and American Easel.
A great selection of easels to put you at ease.
Art Easels Terrific Savings on a Huge Selection or Brand Name Art Easels, including MABEF, BEST, Jullian, Soltek & more!
What is important for a customer to know when buying an art easel?
Well I've been at this for quite some time, know our art easels and have a pretty good feel of our customers' wants and needs, so first I would have to say that most users of easels & art supplies know what they need and want, and for them the products and options are self explanatory. Nevertheless, allow me to answer some more.
a. The first question is, what media is it for? Oil and Acrylic painting traditionally tilt-back while working. Watercolor easels tilt to the horizontal (otherwise, the watercolors would drip down to quickly. Pastelists, working in pastels, (especially chalk pastels,) use an easel with a tilt-forward feature, to allow the extra pastel dust to fall off, away from the work. We have all these easels, and some are multi-media easels that tilt in all 3 positions.
b. Stability. Goes hand-in-hand with the weight of the easel. Some artists will sacrifice a bit on stability in order to have a lighter easel that is easier to move around.
c. The look of a more expensive wood. However, generally, the easel will be so full of paint, that this doesn't show as much. In any case, some artists feel better knowing that their easel is made of a higher quality wood, such as the BEST easels Solid American Oak.
d. type of easel frame. There are A-frame (resembling the letter "A,") (resembling the letter "H,") Lyre and other easels. This is also often personal preferences of artists. There are also functional differences, such as crank-easels, with crank or pulley system to rise and lower canvases to the spot of which you are working on. This can be important for those working on large canvases - A 48" x 60" stretched-canvas can be a lot heavier than you would think!
e. Size of easel. Generally looked at by the optimum space between the top and bottom canvas-holders of the easels. An artists, who works large, would need a larger easel. However, keep in mind the ceiling height of your art studio or work room, if it can handle the easel extended.
f. Quality. Most artists appreciate the "feel" of a wooden easel. However, for School and University use, many prefer metal easels, such as our Klopfenstein Easel Line, which are virtually indestructible and can take the punishment!
G. Remember, if you are looking for selection and price, you certainly came to the right place!
Good VS Easel
Your love of the arts always wins in the battle between good vs. evil, doesn't it?! Easel wins every time! And we love art as much as you do, which is why we're dedicated to bringing you the best in all things art, including easels, studio furniture, drawing and painting supplies, supplies for the kiddos and much more!
You deserve a little something new. Go ahead and buy yourself that item you've been eying up!
Brand-Name Art Easels like Academy & Richeson Easels, and even the coveted BEST easel! Find your Art Easel with our wide selection of Julian, SolTek, Studio RTA, Klopfenstein & more at Madison Art Shop!
A crucial tool for any artist, easels are the place where you will create and display works of art! These Art Studio must-haves come in a wide range of styles, models and prices - from sturdy American Oak, to Metal, to the all-new talked-about Lyptus wood.
Buy a new easel and start your masterpiece!
Choose from a wide selection of Metal Easels, Painting Easels, Easel Tripods & Discount Easels at unbelievably low prices.
Over 70 top-quality Easels, many at about half off the manufacturer's suggested retail price. We also offer fast and inexpensive shipping on our art easels and other art furniture.
Artist Easels Are Our Specialty!
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Painting Easels Support the Process
The modern painting easel has not changed very much since early man first created it. It has always been designed for function, rather than aesthetics. Considering its purpose, that is a bit ironic.
Painting on An Art Easel
Many painters prefer to work without an easel. But, if you are new to painting or can easily adjust to a new way of working, there are many good advantages of working on an artist's easel.
Easels hold your work at an adjustable and comfortable level so you eliminate glare from wet paint, they keep your work off the ground and away from pets and kids, they allow you to better step back from your work and see your subject, and ir keeps dust on your work at a minimum.
Easel Stability
Stability is an imperative characteristic of any good easel. But stability is relative to the size of work you create and the surface of your floor. The physical dimensions of your painting area should determine the height of your mast and the base width of your easel.
Most large easels are made of wood.
Metal ones are lighter, and although sturdy too, are better for small to medium works.
Three legged easels work best if your floor is not exactly even.
A flat base easel will give you more stability with wide canvases, but only if your floor is even.
Wooden Easels
According to what we know of Roman history, the first easel was a simple wooden tri-pod. The design hasn't changed significantly through the years, although there have been variations. The addition of clasps to hold the canvas in place is probably the most significant addition to wooden easels. Of course something like the wooden easel probably even predates Rome. In Egyptian hieroglyphic paintings, it appears to show someone using a similar device. That particular device was probably stone, and was not likely to have been used for art work, but rather for aiding in making inscriptions.
Easels made from artificial materials such as plastic do exist, but for the most part, they aren't the choice for artists. By and large the artist is still drawn to classic wooden easels. It may be partly because it reflects naturally on the organic nature of the art form. The advanced features and design of some of today's high-end wooden easels will blow you away!
Easels are a terrific tool for any artist. They can be used for work or for display in almost any art medium. If you prefer working standing up or sitting down or sitting at a table you can find an easel that will cater to your needs. Stand up easels can help any artist with their oil or acrylic painting technique and give a perspective unavalable when sitting - that of the viewer when looking at your painting. Display easels can be used in your home as well as in a gallery. Easels are a versatile and useful tool for any artist.
Easel Angles
The medium and angle at which you paint is an important consideration when choosing an easel.
Oil paintings should be held vertical or near vertical. Because oil paint dries slowly, the vertical angle doesn't allow dust to collect on the paint surface.
Acrylics dry fast enough for dust not to be a real issue.
Watercolors are better held on an angle, and even best, horizontaly, to control the run of the paint.
Pastelist enjoy an easel with a foward-tilt feature, to allow the pastel dust to fall off of the work.
So, if you paint in more than one medium, just make sure your art easel easily adjusts.
Painting Easels Support
An easel is an upright tripod is most often used to hold up an artist's canvas while the painter is working or to hold a completed painting for exhibition. An easel can be full-height designed for standing by itself on the floor. Easels can also be shorter, designed for use on a table or full-height easels that have telescopic legs that collapse for transport.
Easel Angles
What is the best angle for my easel?
The angle of your easel will be dependent upon the type of paint you use. If you are using oil paint the angle of your easel should be vertical or as close to vertical as you can get. This will keep dust particles from collecting on your painting. Since acrylic paint dries so fast, the angle of the easel is not a major concern. Water colors are best painted on an easel that is angled. This helps to ensure that the paint does not run.
Easel Stability
How does the weight of your painting affect the stability of your easel?
Stability is the key to any good easel. The dimensions of your painting and the surface of your floor will determine the base width and height of your mast. An easel that has a flat base will give you more stability. However, if your easel is being placed on a floor or surface that is uneven you should use a three legged easel.
Hand crafted from solid hard wood. Very sturdy to last for a long time.
Craftech International - 20 years of history in wood craftsmanship - Specializing in attractive, yet cost effective, designs of medium size furniture RTA ready to assemble.)
Craftech International designs and manufactures work benches, easels, tool chests and craft organizers from solid hard wood.

"We purchased a gift through the Madison site, and were very happy with our experience. The gift was delivered in a very timely manner and arrived in perfect condition. Thank you!" Wanda S., Gilbert, MN
What is important for a customer to know when buying an art easel?
Well I've been at this for quite some time, know our art easels and have a pretty good feel of our customers' wants and needs, so first I would have to say that most users of easels & art supplies know what they need and want, and for them the products and options are self explanatory. Nevertheless, allow me to answer some more.
a. The first question is, what media is it for? Oil and Acrylic painting traditionally tilt-back while working. Watercolor easels tilt to the horizontal (otherwise, the watercolors would drip down to quickly. Pastelists, working in pastels, (especially chalk pastels,) use an easel with a tilt-forward feature, to allow the extra pastel dust to fall off, away from the work. We have all these easels, and some are multi-media easels that tilt in all 3 positions.
b. Stability. Goes hand-in-hand with the weight of the easel. Some artists will sacrifice a bit on stability in order to have a lighter easel that is easier to move around.
c. The look of a more expensive wood. However, generally, the easel will be so full of paint, that this doesn't show as much. In any case, some artists feel better knowing that their easel is made of a higher quality wood, such as the BEST easels Solid American Oak.
d. type of easel frame. There are A-frame (resembling the letter "A,") (resembling the letter "H,") Lyre and other easels. This is also often personal preferences of artists. There are also functional differences, such as crank-easels, with crank or pulley system to rise and lower canvases to the spot of which you are working on. This can be important for those working on large canvases - A 48" x 60" stretched-canvas can be a lot heavier than you would think!
e. Size of easel. Generally looked at by the optimum space between the top and bottom canvas-holders of the easels. An artists, who works large, would need a larger easel. However, keep in mind the ceiling height of your art studio or work room, if it can handle the easel extended.
f. Quality. Most artists appreciate the "feel" of a wooden easel. However, for School and University use, many prefer metal easels, such as our Klopfenstein Easel Line, which are virtually indestructible and can take the punishment!
G. Remember, if you are looking for selection and price, you certainly came to the right place!
Good VS Easel
Your love of the arts always wins in the battle between good vs. evil, doesn't it?! Easel wins every time! And we love art as much as you do, which is why we're dedicated to bringing you the best in all things art, including easels, studio furniture, drawing and painting supplies, supplies for the kiddos and much more!
You deserve a little something new. Go ahead and buy yourself that item you've been eying up!
Brand-Name Art Easels like Academy & Richeson Easels, and even the coveted BEST easel! Find your Art Easel with our wide selection of Julian, SolTek, Studio RTA, Klopfenstein & more at Madison Art Shop!
A crucial tool for any artist, easels are the place where you will create and display works of art! These Art Studio must-haves come in a wide range of styles, models and prices - from sturdy American Oak, to Metal, to the all-new talked-about Lyptus wood.
Buy a new easel and start your masterpiece!
Choose from a wide selection of Metal Easels, Painting Easels, Easel Tripods & Discount Easels at unbelievably low prices.
Over 70 top-quality Easels, many at about half off the manufacturer's suggested retail price. We also offer fast and inexpensive shipping on our art easels and other art furniture.
Artist Easels Are Our Specialty!
Art Easels - Floor Easels - Wooden Easels - Metal Easels - Painting Easels - Drawing Easels - Easel Tripods - Painter Easels - Aluminum Easels - Paint Easels - Many models suitable for Galleries too!
An Artists' Easel makes a Great Gift too - Long Used and Long Remembered.
An Artists' Easel makes a Great Gift too - Long Used and Long Remembered.
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---------------------MORE ADVICE ON EASELS: ---------------------
Painting Easels Support the Process
The modern painting easel has not changed very much since early man first created it. It has always been designed for function, rather than aesthetics. Considering its purpose, that is a bit ironic.
Painting on An Art Easel
Many painters prefer to work without an easel. But, if you are new to painting or can easily adjust to a new way of working, there are many good advantages of working on an artist's easel.
Easels hold your work at an adjustable and comfortable level so you eliminate glare from wet paint, they keep your work off the ground and away from pets and kids, they allow you to better step back from your work and see your subject, and ir keeps dust on your work at a minimum.
Easel Stability
Stability is an imperative characteristic of any good easel. But stability is relative to the size of work you create and the surface of your floor. The physical dimensions of your painting area should determine the height of your mast and the base width of your easel.
Wooden Easels
According to what we know of Roman history, the first easel was a simple wooden tri-pod. The design hasn't changed significantly through the years, although there have been variations. The addition of clasps to hold the canvas in place is probably the most significant addition to wooden easels. Of course something like the wooden easel probably even predates Rome. In Egyptian hieroglyphic paintings, it appears to show someone using a similar device. That particular device was probably stone, and was not likely to have been used for art work, but rather for aiding in making inscriptions.
Easels made from artificial materials such as plastic do exist, but for the most part, they aren't the choice for artists. By and large the artist is still drawn to classic wooden easels. It may be partly because it reflects naturally on the organic nature of the art form. The advanced features and design of some of today's high-end wooden easels will blow you away!
Easels are a terrific tool for any artist. They can be used for work or for display in almost any art medium. If you prefer working standing up or sitting down or sitting at a table you can find an easel that will cater to your needs. Stand up easels can help any artist with their oil or acrylic painting technique and give a perspective unavalable when sitting - that of the viewer when looking at your painting. Display easels can be used in your home as well as in a gallery. Easels are a versatile and useful tool for any artist.
Easel Angles
The medium and angle at which you paint is an important consideration when choosing an easel.
So, if you paint in more than one medium, just make sure your art easel easily adjusts.
Painting Easels Support
An easel is an upright tripod is most often used to hold up an artist's canvas while the painter is working or to hold a completed painting for exhibition. An easel can be full-height designed for standing by itself on the floor. Easels can also be shorter, designed for use on a table or full-height easels that have telescopic legs that collapse for transport.
Easel Angles
What is the best angle for my easel?
The angle of your easel will be dependent upon the type of paint you use. If you are using oil paint the angle of your easel should be vertical or as close to vertical as you can get. This will keep dust particles from collecting on your painting. Since acrylic paint dries so fast, the angle of the easel is not a major concern. Water colors are best painted on an easel that is angled. This helps to ensure that the paint does not run.
Easel Stability
How does the weight of your painting affect the stability of your easel?
Stability is the key to any good easel. The dimensions of your painting and the surface of your floor will determine the base width and height of your mast. An easel that has a flat base will give you more stability. However, if your easel is being placed on a floor or surface that is uneven you should use a three legged easel.
Hand crafted from solid hard wood. Very sturdy to last for a long time.
Craftech International - 20 years of history in wood craftsmanship - Specializing in attractive, yet cost effective, designs of medium size furniture RTA ready to assemble.)
Craftech International designs and manufactures work benches, easels, tool chests and craft organizers from solid hard wood.

"We purchased a gift through the Madison site, and were very happy with our experience. The gift was delivered in a very timely manner and arrived in perfect condition. Thank you!" Wanda S., Gilbert, MN
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