Air Purifiers
Air Purifiers Madison Art Shop has Doctor recommended HEPA Air Purifiers! Browse our astounding selection of HEPA Air Filters, including Austin Air, AirPura and many more. We carry an array of HEPA filter air purifiers specifically designed for the artist. For example, the AllerAir has more carbon with deeper filters for a machine specialized for artists (and all AllerAir purifiers are shipped FREE and backed by a 10 year warranty). For air filtration closest to the source, the artist’s air easel attachment is an excellent choice.
Top Recommended Air Purifier for Art Studios
Up to 1500 Square Ft.: Allerair 5000 DX Air Purifier
Up to 700 Square Feet: Austin Air Healthmate Plus
Up to 175 Square Feet: AllerAir Air Tube
Top Recommended Air Purifier for Art Studios
Up to 1500 Square Ft.: Allerair 5000 DX Air Purifier
Up to 700 Square Feet: Austin Air Healthmate Plus
Up to 175 Square Feet: AllerAir Air Tube
When choosing, be aware that higher-end models provide more carbon air filtration and thicker carbon canisters. Therefore, the larger your workspace, the more impurities expected, and the higher end you should go when choosing an air purifiers.
For most art studios working with oils and turpentines, and in an area of under 1,000 square feet, the AllerAir 5000DX would work very well. [See More Guidelines below].
Guidelines on Choosing an Air Purifier for Artists
• Common Substances - Related Issues - Media Required - Suggested Purifier
• Pastels - Particulate (Dust) - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
• Wood/Sculpting - Particulate - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
• Oil Paints - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
• Adhesives - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
• Turpentine - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
• Acrylics - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
We know how it feels to be a slave to your art and your creativity, but at some point every artist has to come up for air. The problem that most of us don’t realize is that our supplies contain dangerous dust and chemicals that can severely compromise both short-term and long-term health. Something you’re so passionate about shouldn’t harm your health; therefore, it’s crucial to equip your home or art studio with doctor quality HEPA air purifiers. Since we spend half of our lives in our homes, it’s important to prevent the potential health hazards linked to polluted indoor air, including allergies, asthma, mold contamination, Multiple Chemical Syndrome, concentration problems and even learning disabilities. The American Heart Association has released research that links poor air quality to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
These serious problems are easily prevented with the presence of HEPA air filters. The guide below will help you choose which HEPA filter air purifiers are ideal for your needs.
• Artists concerned about particulates (dust from pastels, for example) or small amounts of solvents will benefit from the Executive Models.
• D Models use HEPA air filters, but not the TRUE HEPA air filters found in the model above. Artists who work with chemical substances or mediums emitting gas and odors should use this model.
• Similar to the D Models, the DX Model HEPA air purifiers are optimally used when artists work with heavy concentrations of solvents. The DX air filters contain more carbon than the D Models for higher absorption and resistance.
• VOC materials (Volatile Organic Compounds), like Formaldehyde, gasoline, benzene, alcohol, toluene, xylene, turpentine, some glues, some paints (even oils) and most cleaners, are especially harmful. Like Executive Models, Vocarb Units employ the use of a TRUE HEPA filter to capture particulates. Artists using heavy doses of these solvents should either opt for the Vocarb HEPA filter air purifiers or add Vocarb carbon to their D or DX model.
• Air Tubes are great for artists using smaller studios or artists who frequently travel with their work. The unit should not be kept near the person using it. If using in a full-size studio, use the following square footage chart to make your selection
• 4000 Series covers 1200 SQFT
• 5000 Series covers 1500 SQFT
• 6000 Series covers 1800 SQFT
Doctor recommended Air Purifiers!
Air Purifiers, Including Austin Air, AllerAir (more carbon with deeper filters - machines much more specialized for artists,) AirPura and the ARTIST’S AIR EASEL ATTACHMENT Air Purifier!
The higher-end the model, the more carbon air filtration and thicker carbon cannisters included. Basically, the larger the area and the more impuritants expected, the higher end you should go.
For most art studios, working with oils and turpentines, and an area of under 1,000 sq feet, the AllerAir 5000DX would work very well.
An optional additional Vocarb blend carbon filter is available for an extra $100. Artists working with Turpentines or Adhesives will want the Vocarb blend.

Doctor recommended Air Purifiers!

"People who develop one allergy are more likely to develop other allergies."
Health Canada
Guidelines on Choosing an Air Purifier for Artists
Common Substances - Related Issues - Media Required - Suggested Purifier
Pastels - Particulate (Dust) - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
Wood/Sculpting - Particulate - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
Oil Paints - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
Adhesives - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
Turpentine - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
Acrylics - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
10 year warranty on all residential AllerAir Air Purifiers
AIR PURIFIERS, Allerair, Artist's Air Purifiers
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has stated that indoor air can be as much as 50 times more polluted than outdoor air. We spend approximately 80% of our lives indoors, half of that in our own homes.
This can cause symptoms such as asthma, allergies, and a host of respiratory and general health difficulties. More recent studies by the American Heart Association have linked air pollutants to cardiovascular disease and even cancer and diabetes. Further studies have linked indoor air quality with children’s learning disabilities as well as to the loss of significant productivity in the work place.
chemicals in common household products are triggering cases of Multiple Chemical Syndrome.
By purchasing a doctor quality Air Purifiers you will alleviate these problems by circulating the air through a filtration unit to trap pollutants and remove them from the air you breathe!
{No shipping charges on AllerAir Air Purifiers}
Brief Overview for home and office units (For Artists)
Executive models are for artists who are mostly concerned about particulate issues rather then chemicals, gas and odors. A pastellist would need an executive model since it takes out particulates from the air most effectively. Someone working with smaller amounts of solvents should consider this unit or the Vocarb.
The D models are more for people who are using heavier concentration of substances that emit chemicals, gas and odors. Although these units do have hepa type filters, they are not as efficient as taking out particulates as the TRUE HEPA filters found in the basic Executive Models.
The DX models are for people who are using even heavier concentrations of solvents. This is much like the D model but has even more carbon for more adsorption power and a ticker carbon bed for greater resistance.
Vocarb units are for artists who are using specific chemicals that are considered Volatile Organic Compounds. Important to note that the Vocarb units also have a TRUE HEPA filter just like the basic executive models to capture particulates in the are. If you using heavy doses of these specific solvents, Vocarb Carbon can be should be added to any D or DX model for best performance at a retail cost of $100 USD.
The Air Tube model is used for local use only. Not a heavy duty machine for chemical adsorption but does contain 7 lbs of Vocarb carbon. This unit is portable and should not be kept near the person using it. For studio-sized rooms our 4000, 5000 and 6000 series covers 1200, 1500 and 1800 square feet respectively.
Important Notes
Artists using heavier concentrations of any item releasing Chemicals, Gas, or Odors should strongly consider a 5000D or 5000DX Model. The D model contains extra carbon for added adsorption while the DX has even more carbon for adsorption.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) is a blend of Carbon designed for specific chemicals found in turpentine, oil paints, adhesives, acrylics and other substances. This type of Carbon can be added to any one of our machines
EXEC AND VOC models have both Carbon, and Hepa filters, while D and DX units have larger Carbon Filters and Micro Particulate filters for particulate issues as well.
10 year warranty on all residential AllerAir Air Purifiers.
For most art studios working with oils and turpentines, and in an area of under 1,000 square feet, the AllerAir 5000DX would work very well. [See More Guidelines below].
Guidelines on Choosing an Air Purifier for Artists
• Common Substances - Related Issues - Media Required - Suggested Purifier
• Pastels - Particulate (Dust) - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
• Wood/Sculpting - Particulate - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
• Oil Paints - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
• Adhesives - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
• Turpentine - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
• Acrylics - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
We know how it feels to be a slave to your art and your creativity, but at some point every artist has to come up for air. The problem that most of us don’t realize is that our supplies contain dangerous dust and chemicals that can severely compromise both short-term and long-term health. Something you’re so passionate about shouldn’t harm your health; therefore, it’s crucial to equip your home or art studio with doctor quality HEPA air purifiers. Since we spend half of our lives in our homes, it’s important to prevent the potential health hazards linked to polluted indoor air, including allergies, asthma, mold contamination, Multiple Chemical Syndrome, concentration problems and even learning disabilities. The American Heart Association has released research that links poor air quality to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
These serious problems are easily prevented with the presence of HEPA air filters. The guide below will help you choose which HEPA filter air purifiers are ideal for your needs.
• Artists concerned about particulates (dust from pastels, for example) or small amounts of solvents will benefit from the Executive Models.
• D Models use HEPA air filters, but not the TRUE HEPA air filters found in the model above. Artists who work with chemical substances or mediums emitting gas and odors should use this model.
• Similar to the D Models, the DX Model HEPA air purifiers are optimally used when artists work with heavy concentrations of solvents. The DX air filters contain more carbon than the D Models for higher absorption and resistance.
• VOC materials (Volatile Organic Compounds), like Formaldehyde, gasoline, benzene, alcohol, toluene, xylene, turpentine, some glues, some paints (even oils) and most cleaners, are especially harmful. Like Executive Models, Vocarb Units employ the use of a TRUE HEPA filter to capture particulates. Artists using heavy doses of these solvents should either opt for the Vocarb HEPA filter air purifiers or add Vocarb carbon to their D or DX model.
• Air Tubes are great for artists using smaller studios or artists who frequently travel with their work. The unit should not be kept near the person using it. If using in a full-size studio, use the following square footage chart to make your selection
• 4000 Series covers 1200 SQFT
• 5000 Series covers 1500 SQFT
• 6000 Series covers 1800 SQFT
Doctor recommended Air Purifiers!
Air Purifiers, Including Austin Air, AllerAir (more carbon with deeper filters - machines much more specialized for artists,) AirPura and the ARTIST’S AIR EASEL ATTACHMENT Air Purifier!
The higher-end the model, the more carbon air filtration and thicker carbon cannisters included. Basically, the larger the area and the more impuritants expected, the higher end you should go.
For most art studios, working with oils and turpentines, and an area of under 1,000 sq feet, the AllerAir 5000DX would work very well.
An optional additional Vocarb blend carbon filter is available for an extra $100. Artists working with Turpentines or Adhesives will want the Vocarb blend.

Doctor recommended Air Purifiers!

"People who develop one allergy are more likely to develop other allergies."
Health Canada
Guidelines on Choosing an Air Purifier for Artists
Common Substances - Related Issues - Media Required - Suggested Purifier
Pastels - Particulate (Dust) - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
Wood/Sculpting - Particulate - HEPA Filter - 5000 Exec
Oil Paints - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
Adhesives - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
Turpentine - Chemical/Odor - Carbon Filter - 5000 VOC
Acrylics - Chemical/Particulate - Carbon/Hepa - 5000 VOC
10 year warranty on all residential AllerAir Air Purifiers
AIR PURIFIERS, Allerair, Artist's Air Purifiers
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has stated that indoor air can be as much as 50 times more polluted than outdoor air. We spend approximately 80% of our lives indoors, half of that in our own homes.
This can cause symptoms such as asthma, allergies, and a host of respiratory and general health difficulties. More recent studies by the American Heart Association have linked air pollutants to cardiovascular disease and even cancer and diabetes. Further studies have linked indoor air quality with children’s learning disabilities as well as to the loss of significant productivity in the work place.
By purchasing a doctor quality Air Purifiers you will alleviate these problems by circulating the air through a filtration unit to trap pollutants and remove them from the air you breathe!
{No shipping charges on AllerAir Air Purifiers}
Brief Overview for home and office units (For Artists)
Executive models are for artists who are mostly concerned about particulate issues rather then chemicals, gas and odors. A pastellist would need an executive model since it takes out particulates from the air most effectively. Someone working with smaller amounts of solvents should consider this unit or the Vocarb.
The D models are more for people who are using heavier concentration of substances that emit chemicals, gas and odors. Although these units do have hepa type filters, they are not as efficient as taking out particulates as the TRUE HEPA filters found in the basic Executive Models.
The DX models are for people who are using even heavier concentrations of solvents. This is much like the D model but has even more carbon for more adsorption power and a ticker carbon bed for greater resistance.
Vocarb units are for artists who are using specific chemicals that are considered Volatile Organic Compounds. Important to note that the Vocarb units also have a TRUE HEPA filter just like the basic executive models to capture particulates in the are. If you using heavy doses of these specific solvents, Vocarb Carbon can be should be added to any D or DX model for best performance at a retail cost of $100 USD.
The Air Tube model is used for local use only. Not a heavy duty machine for chemical adsorption but does contain 7 lbs of Vocarb carbon. This unit is portable and should not be kept near the person using it. For studio-sized rooms our 4000, 5000 and 6000 series covers 1200, 1500 and 1800 square feet respectively.
Important Notes
10 year warranty on all residential AllerAir Air Purifiers.
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