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Norfolk Arson: Leave No Trace (Enhanced DVD)

(DISCONTINUED) Norfolk Arson: Leave No Trace (Enhanced DVD) Norwich, nothing really stood out about this small town until an unexpected fire destroyed a parked car. Though the town had trouble with crime, nobody expected they had a serial arson on the loose which would grow in to attempted murder.
Come follow Professor David Wilson as he explains the intricacies of the Norwich Arson as police try to find leads in a unique and famous arson case that tested the strength of the Criminal Science Investigation teams, arson investigators, and the detectives assigned.

A great gift for those interested in crime or the student wishing to improve their knowledge of the criminal justice system. Get your copy today!

Norfolk Arson: Leave No Trace (Enhanced DVD)
  • ISBN: 978-0-81609-224-6
  • Run Time: 28 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2006
  • CC
FI-55159 169.95

The quiet Norwich community explodes into violence with arson and attempted murder. What darkness is in the heart of this quiet, little town?

Forensic tests can be used to determine just out about anything regarding crime scene and is frequently used as admissible evidence in court. The science used in forensics has greatly advanced in recent years. Types of forensic evidence include DNA, ballistics, blood tests, and many others. Forensic experts are frequently called upon to uncover new and hidden evidence in order to discover who is guilty in some of the most mysterious cases.

In 2003, a strange crime occurred in the streets of Norwich. An attack, a car that was left burning in the street, and a man hospitalized with severe burns points to an attempted murder. However, the case initially baffled the police. However, Forensic Alliance scientists were eventually able to discover what happened that evening. The program is hosted by Professor David Wilson, a specialist in criminology.

Norfolk Arson: Leave No Trace
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-0-81609-224-6
  • Run Time: 28 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2006
  • CC
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