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207 Interview Techniques (Enhanced DVD)

207 Interview Techniques (Enhanced DVD)
Item Code: FI-53228
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
How crucial is it to be passionate about your career? Is self-esteem affected by financial stability? Is it worth it to live to work, or work to live? People from various careers share their views about their work and how they adapt to a constantly changing job environment. Viewers are encouraged to self-assess their interests and skills when they are looking for their “perfect” job and find the value between having a personal live and their work. Made in Australia and printable resources are included with this program. (15 minutes)

Segments in this video include:
  • The World of Work (02:48) – We will spend around a third of our lives working. People share their views on the significant of their work, benefits and disadvantages, and how it reflects on their passions and interests.
  • The World of Work: Job Satisfaction (01:49) – People discuss whether or not they are satisfied with their jobs. Changing careers and trying something different is fairly easy. People discuss the jobs they have performed. Globalization and technology always affects careers and evolves them.
  • Balancing Work and Life (03:31) – The work and life balance is discussed, and they talk about how they achieve it. Finding a balance can be challenging and sometimes people feel difficulties with this and a loss of control.
  • Balancing Work and Life: Work Environment (01:20) – An employee’s personality can be negatively or positively affected by his or her work environment, so it is crucial to have a positive work setting.

    The World of Work
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-973-2
  • Run Time: 15 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2013
  • CC
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