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The People and the Power: China on China (Enhanced DVD)

The People and the Power: China on China (Enhanced DVD)
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This documentary shows the power of the one-party government in China, as it tries to assert its influence over more than one billion people.
Item Code: FI-53095
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

China has many people and many problems. Rapid modernization brought on an environmental crisis. The people, as individuals, have almost no power when facing the strength of the one party government with its central party command, but in reality, the government of China faces extreme challenges. The strongest challenge is the need to hold on to power and keep China from breaking apart into separate factions.

China is a huge nation in terms of land mass and the number of people. There are vast differences between the various parts of China and it is not easy to see how a one party rule can maintain control. This is very clearly illustrated in this film with an interview with Dilina'er Abudulah, who is a delegate coming from the Xinjiang autonomous region. The area of Xinjiang contains a minority sect in China that is so different in culture from the city-dwellers in the big cities or those holding power in Beijing.

So far, the loosening of the communist system to include a hybrid form of capitalism mixed with communism has succeeded in creating explosive economic growth. However, this double-digit economic growth has come at a high cost, in terms of excessive pollution of the environment.

This documentary film is part of a series about China on China and looks into the problems facing China and what solutions may be implemented. It is a complex story without easy answers but this is what makes China so fascinating. One thing to say for sure is nothing seems to be able to stop the explosive growth in China, as they become a great super power of the world.

The People and the Power: China on China

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-0-81608-812-6
  • Run Time: 29 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2012
  • CC

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