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A New Generation: China on China (Enhanced DVD)

A New Generation: China on China (Enhanced DVD)
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Learn how the young adults of today's China have taken the lessons of their parents' struggles to heart. This generation was moved from rural areas and have embraced the opportunities of China's cities and universities.
Item Code: FI-53092
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

There are more than two million young adults in China between 15-24, and this generation is highly aware that they are the next to take the reigns to help assure the country's prosperity. In this film, discover how the current generation is using modern advances, while applying the lessons many of their parents learned the hard way as migrant workers who found affluence by taking their families out of the rural villages and into the cities with hopes that their children would be able to enjoy better opportunities. 

Supported by expert commentary from Professor Zhou Dunren of Fudan University, this film shows the struggle of various Chinese families as they adjusted to urban life and instilled a dedication and respect for education in their children as a key to sustainability. The road to success included steps from working at temporary jobs, starting new businesses, and sending their children to respected universities to nurture professional skills and dreams in a whole new way that promises to make a global impact for generations to come.

A New Generation: China on China (Enhanced DVD)
Enhanced DVD
ISBN: 978-0-81608-809-6
Run Time: 29 Minutes
Copyright Date: 2012

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