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Women Who Brew: Breaking the Glass Ceiling for the Love of Beer (Enhanced DVD)

Women Who Brew: Breaking the Glass Ceiling for the Love of Beer (Enhanced DVD)
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The beer industry has been a man's world, not only in the target demographic but in the whole of the brewing process. That is changing, and this film follows the women making their mark as hops farmers, brewers, and pub owners.
Item Code: FI-52780
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Like so many fields, the world of beer, both consuming and brewing, has been focused on and dominated by men. It is rare to see a beer company target its marketing to a female audience and whether a brewing operation is large-scale or a small-scale craft beer or ale, it is likely to be owned and operated by men. Though the advertising isn't likely to change any time soon, the management of breweries is gradually becoming more equal between the genders.

This film focuses on the growing beer market in the Pacific Northwest and highlights females involved in the beer-making process, whether they run a brewery, own a pub, or farm hops. Among those featured are Tonya Cornett, Teri Fahrendorf, and Gayle Goshie. Originally titled "For the Love of Beer," this film has a 62-minute running time
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-756-1
  • Copyright Date: 2012
  • CC

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