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World War II: Populate or Perish—Immigration Nation (Enhanced DVD)

World War II: Populate or Perish—Immigration Nation (Enhanced DVD)
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After World War II, Australia harbored fears that a lack of workforce would lead to weaknesses the Japanese could exploit.  Immigration Minister Arthur Caldwell declared that, to resupply Australia's strength and bolster its economy, Australia needed to "populate or perish."  But, how does a country with a "whites only" immigration policy grow its numbers?
Item Code: FI-52695
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

In 1901, the Immigration Restriction Act was passed in Australia, which was in essence and practice a "whites only" policy - in fact, the Act became known as "White Australia."  The restriction on immigration and settlement in Australia continued even after World War II, despite Immigration Minister Arthur Caldwell's declaration that Australia must "populate or perish."  Caldwell's answer to the population crises adhered to the White Australia policy but provided a solution - he instigated the immigration of Eastern Europeans to Australia so that the population would increase, the country's production and economy would improve, and Australia would gain strength to protect itself from enemies like Japan.

World War II: Populate or Perish—Immigration Nation

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-871-1
  • Run Time: 54 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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