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Building Your Brain: Inside the Human Body (Enhanced DVD)

Building Your Brain: Inside the Human Body (Enhanced DVD)
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Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply an interested layperson  this BBC production provides intriguing information on how our brains change as we grow and develop.
Item Code: FI-52510
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

The human brain undergoes remarkable changes on the journey from birth to adulthood. This fascinating documentary introduces us to some remarkable people--including a toddler who only possesses half of a functioning brain, "Sea Gypsy" children who can see clearly underwater, a Vietnamese girl who speaks an amazing 11 different languages, and a 13-year-old who races stock cars--whose stories illustrate the amazing complexity and adaptability of the brain. The video, a part of the BBC series "Inside the Human Body", also examines just how many connections within the brain are actually lost between the ages of 11 and 20, using actual brain scans to illustrate.  Whether your interest is the brain itself, human growth and development, or the link between physiology and psychology, this production is a great addition to your video library.

Building Your Brain: Inside the Human Body

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-341-9
  • Run Time: 50 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC

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