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Iraqi Refugees: Hard Way Home (Enhanced DVD)

Iraqi Refugees: Hard Way Home (Enhanced DVD)
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This DVD documents the lives of three Iraqi families who fled to Syria. It details the challenges and obstacles they face as they attempt to rebuild their lives. 
Item Code: FI-51941
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

Many of Syria's Iraqi refugees have endured hardships and setbacks as they try to figure out how to regain the lives they once had. In many cases, these Iraqi families have been forced to return to their home and deal with the turmoil that is still brewing in Iraq. The trials and tribulations these refugees suffer include occupation by militia groups, attempting to rebuild a profitable business with no funding, and in one case, assisting others who have also been uprooted by the violence. This program will give the viewer a closer look at the human side of this conflict. 

Iraqi Refugees: Hard Way Home

Enhanced DVD
ISBN: 978-1-61753-149-1
Run Time: 45 Minutes
Copyright Date: 2008

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