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Gaza: The Killing Zone (Enhanced DVD)

Gaza: The Killing Zone (Enhanced DVD)
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Through personal stories and the eyes of the children of the area this documentary provides a very personal picture of the human cost associated with the struggle for control of the Occupied Territories of the Gaza Strip. 
Item Code: FI-51912
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

The struggle for control of the Occupied Territories of the Gaza Strip has a long and bloody history, with Israelis and Palestinians both claiming possession, by birthright. While Israel's policy is intended for Palestinian militants often the innocent citizens of Gaza, especially the children, are caught up in the violence. This documentary focuses on the ever-present violence in Gaza's Occupied Territories through the eyes of Palestinian children in the area, living in a war zone, threatened daily by snipers, rockets, and bulldozers. It explores what daily life is like for these innocent children, caught in an adult war. In addition, the stories of three individuals, killed in the struggle, are featured. Rachel Corrie was an American student. She was killed by a military bulldozer while trying to protect homes of Palestinian citizens. Tom Hurndall was a photographer, caught in the cross fire trying to rescue a child. Fnally, James Miller was a cameraman who, even though he was carrying a white flag, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. The stories of the children of Gaza, along with these three brave individuals, gives a face to the conflict and presents an unprecedented and unforgettable look at the human casualties associated with the violence in Gaza. Some material may not be suitable for younger viewers. (48 minutes)

Gaza: The Killing Zone

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-121-7
  • Run Time: 52 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2003
  • CC

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