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Duel with the Devil: Homicide in Guatemala City (Enhanced DVD)

Duel with the Devil: Homicide in Guatemala City (Enhanced DVD)
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Learn about Guatemala City's troubling problem with murder rates and the specialized task force that has been working diligently to bring justice to the city.
Item Code: FI-49991
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

With a startlingly low conviction rate for murders, Guatemala City is one of the world's most dangerous cities. Far less than 1% of all murders result in a conviction because of fear and lack of trust in the judiciary system. The film follows a team of crime scene investigators who are trying to clean up the murder conviction process in Guatemala City by teaching the local law enforcement agents forensic investigative skills. Interviews in this documentary include not only these specially trained officers, but also victims of crime and some of the killers themselves. As concrete evidence for murder cases build, a hope to win public support and restore trust in the city's judiciary system grows. Viewer discretion is advised.

Duel with the Devil: Homicide in Guatemala City (Enhanced DVD)

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-811-0
  • Run Time: 47 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • CC

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