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10-Point Checklist Before Delivering Training (Enhanced DVD)

10-Point Checklist Before Delivering Training (Enhanced DVD)
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Successfully training employees can be a difficult task, but the ten steps provided in this video can make the process much easier and improve a business's future training sessions.
Item Code: FI-49901
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Whether new to a job or new to a task or system, almost every employee must go through some form of training and most business leaders and managers will need to lead or create appropriate training sessions for their employees or teams. Creating a training that runs smoothly while successfully providing all necessary information can seem an impossible task, but it doesn't need to be. This video provides ten steps that can help in the drafting of a business's next training session.

This video discusses how the logistics of the session as well as the refreshments and the manner in which the session is presented can make an impact on how successful a training will be. Other tips are more expected, like the technology involved in the presentation, the training resources available, and how attendees are advised. This video provides advice on managing a training from start to finish and everything in between.

This video has a run time of 16 minutes and is closed captioned for the hearing impaired. Additional educational materials are available to view or print online.
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-910-0
  • Copyright Date: 2001

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