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Breaking the Wall of the Flat World of TV: What Three-Dimensional Television Pictures Will Look Like (Enhanced DVD)

Breaking the Wall of the Flat World of TV: What Three-Dimensional Television Pictures Will Look Like (Enhanced DVD)
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Television is coming alive with a new three-dimensional view that creates a fantastic user experience.
Item Code: FI-49433
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
During the year of 1999, high-definition television (HDTV) was made available to consumers for the first time. It was amazing how the clarity of picture and the saturation of the colors suddenly was vastly improved. When comparing low-resolution television display screens side-by-side with the newer HDTV screens, the difference was astounding.

The next step in the advancement of increased viewing pleasure is for television to replicate the images and sound as a three-dimensional experience (3-D). 3-D television promises to deliver an immersive experience so that viewers feel they are part of the scene, almost as if they entered the television and became part of the program.

This DVD contains an interview with Thomas Wiegand. He is a professor at the world renowned Technische Universität in Berlin. He is also the lead developer for the Image Processing Department of the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, which is a part of the Heinrich Hertz Institut. His specialty is coding video for 3-D display.

One of the ways viewers can experience 3-D is by wearing a pair of special 3-D glasses. The ways this works is there are two identical images encoded in the video, one is color-shifted towards the red spectrum and the other is color-shifted towards the green spectrum. Each opposing side of the glasses filters the opposite color to make it seem as if the images are arriving in a slightly different way to each eye, which gives the image a 3-D appearance as the brain interprets what the eyes are seeing.

Another advancement is changing the television display to be autostereoscopic. With this technology the displays itself produces the two separate images and there is no need for viewers to wear any glasses while watching the 3-D program. Cinema in the home will be revolutionized by these new 3-D displays.

Breaking the Wall of the Flat World of TV: What Three-Dimensional Television Pictures Will Look Like
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-493-8
  • Run Time: 13 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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