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The Basis for a Comeback: The Mind of a Leader 1 (Enhanced DVD)

The Basis for a Comeback: The Mind of a Leader 1 (Enhanced DVD)
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Let Renaissance philosopher and strategist Machiavelli guide you towards making a business comeback.
Item Code: FI-48939
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Machiavelli—the genius Renaissance strategist whose name connotes ruthless politics—has relevant advice handed down through history. His main work, The Prince, instructs anyone in a leadership position. Meant to advise members of governing bodies, The Prince was written when Italy was under foreign leadership. Chapter 26 urges Italy to take back power and control. Machiavelli believed in "just war," or fighting when it is necessary. He stated, "There is great justice with our cause, because when it is a necessary war, that war is just; and weapons are hallowed when there is no other hope but in those weapons." This program takes Machiavelli’s advice and applies it to making a comeback in the current business world. The program includes commentary from Dr. Ulrich Bez (CEO, Aston Martin), who uses a quotation from Henry Ford as inspiration, and Jan Carlzon (former CEO, SAS), Philip Kotler (marketing author, consultant and professor), and Jim Buckmaster (founder of Craigslist) and Carly Florina (former CEO, Hewlett Packard).

The Basis for a Comeback: The Mind of a Leader 1
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-217-0
  • Run Tim:: 27 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC

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