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Television Around the World: Afghanistan (Enhanced DVD)

Television Around the World: Afghanistan (Enhanced DVD)
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Afghanistan is now in a new age politically, socially, culturally, and yes, commercially-- learn through this engaging film how TV is influencing these changes.
Item Code: FI-48878
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan's media industry was limited and TVs were not necessarily a device of choice in many Afghan homes. This is not the case anymore. The post-Taliban years have seen a spike in TV sales, and many Afghanis tune in regularly to watch shows both domestically produced and from around the world. This DVD includes interviews with current media professionals witnessing the changes within the Middle Eastern nation and explores how-- while great strides have indeed been made-- there is still a lot more to be done (particularly when it comes to women's opportunities in the industry).
  • Enhanced DVD
  • Contains brief nudity
  • English subtitles included during some parts
  • ISBN #: 978-1-62102-967-0
  • Running time: 26 minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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