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Finance Should Serve Society: Ethical Markets 3 (Enhanced DVD)

Finance Should Serve Society: Ethical Markets 3 (Enhanced DVD)
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The financial structure of America is something very citizen can understand and by viewing this documentary it becomes clear that changes are beinf called for in America's financial structure.
Item Code: FI-44646
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:

An insider look at the financial structure of the country is provided by policymakers and those who work for commercial banks. The idea behind this documentary is to explore the ramifications of changing the system of finances this country is run on. A change in modern economics is on the brink as experts in the financial field discuss ways in which to overall the country's financial structure so that the common good of the American people is properly and fairly addressed.

The subject of self interest is prevalent in this documentary as participants use it to justify the reasons why the nation should be able to avoid having its citizens living below the poverty level. The depletion of resources is another issue that is discussed in terms of making changes to ensure the nation's resources remain plentiful and easily accessible. The ethics of the financial industry are analyzed and discussed in a way that serves to show viewers how wavering ethics have led to a downfall in the country's financial structure and what can be done to reverse this.

The assets of financial institutions across the country are suffering due to oil speculation and other issues and this problem is discussed in great detail as well. Many short term plans that have been implemented to save the financial industry have instead resulted in assets becoming less  valuable and this is another subject that is tackled in this multi part series on ethics.

DVD Specifications:

  • enhanced video and audio quality
  • copyright 2010
  • run time of 29 minutes
  • closed captioned for viewers
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-112-4

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