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The Power of RTI: Classroom Management Strategies, K–6 (Enhanced DVD)

The Power of RTI: Classroom Management Strategies, K–6 (Enhanced DVD)
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"The Power of RTI: Classroom Management Strategies, K–6" is a program that is designed to help teachers who are struggling to reach a difficult student. It makes a great gift choice for the teacher in your life.
Item Code: FI-43954
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Sale-Price: $139.95

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Product Description:
As a teacher, you take great pride in watching your students succeed. But what about those students who are struggling and who behave in inappropriate ways in your classroom? These difficult students can be hard to reach due to a variety of influences, but you can't just let them down by ignoring them. One method of reaching these students is response to intervention or RTI, a method that is designed to help those who are struggling to learn in a traditional academic environment.

If you have a student who you just can't reach, try out this DVD to learn more about RTI. In the program it presents, you will receive advice from education consultant Jim Wright. He will discuss RTI and the ways it is used to address problematic behaviors in a constructive way. You will find out how to identify defiant, non-compliant, compulsive, inattentive, and hyperactive behaviors in your students.

Then you will learn how to implement positive and constructive behavior patterns that will break your students out of a negative cycle of behavior. Data collection, including behavior monitoring and adjustment, will also be mastered. The concepts of rewards and feedback are important key concepts of this DVD and program, as they help fuel the core of its successful implementation.

Consider this DVD if you have a problem student who continues to plague you or if you know a teacher who can't breakthrough to that promising, but misbehaving, child. It might just change their lives and help get them back on track for educational success.
  • The Power of RTI: Classroom Management Strategies, K–6
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61733-958-5
  • Run Time: 49 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009

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